Monday, February 25, 2013

Finding the Right Fit for Graduate School

Similar to applying to and finding a job, there are many considerations that go into ‘the right fit’ for graduate school.  The right fit is different for everybody; it’s a matter of personal experience meshing with what the school can offer to you.

I was in the “What Graduate Program do I choose?” shoes last year: awaiting admissions decisions and figuring out what school to go to, judging against the values that were important to me and how that aligned with the school’s values.  Some of these values: low financial burden (or at least a good return on investment (ROI)), professional community, practice / project based classes, a school that teaches the ‘hard (tech) skills’ needed, interdisciplinary, in a semi-urban, highly walkable environment, a diverse student body*, a school that focuses on the social implications of technology, and a school that has an international influence.  Suffice to say, I ended up at UMSI for reflecting these values in a way that made sense to me. 
[*diverse student body to me means the presence of various backgrounds, work/study ethics, personalities, intellectual strengths, design ability, etc.]

There are many other values, and perhaps some lay on a spectrum; it helped to imagine my ideal educational environment so that I could generate the questions needed to find out how UMSI offers that.  For instance, some of my UMSI peers have a very strong technology background and perhaps they valued a program that still offers technical training.  I’m not sure, but if that is a question you have, I encourage you to ask!

My background was non-technical but strong with social justice awareness and project management.   My research into graduate school fit at UMSI started with the UMSI Mission Statement and website, including course descriptions.  Whenever I encountered a new word, I would do a Wikipedia search and this would lead to some new questions.  (Data Mining, Human Computer Interaction, Information Professional, oh my!) 

Here are some questions I asked of myself so I could evaluate my goals with the school’s objectives.  I would ask you to tailor these to your needs and expand as you see fit.
  • What do I feel are my strengths and what would I like to improve on?  Does the school have ways to improve my strengths and areas for improvement?

  • What does an ideal collaborative environment look and feel like? What is my preferred work style and how do I work (well) with others?  How does the school promote a conducive learning environment that matches / augments my style?

  •  What does it mean to be a professional or to be in a professional career?  What is it about my professional role models that inspire me and what do I think they value?

  • What does diversity mean to me, how does it or should it look and feel like?  How can I bring my own awareness and strengths to any new environment?  

  • What does it mean to have a school / work culture?  What are some of my values and how do I demonstrate these?  How does the school demonstrate these values?

  • What will the school do to keep me there?  What support and resources does it offer? Any perks?
For me the school culture and its values were important in determining the right fit.  It might be something different for you.  Please feel free to ask us at any time on our Facebook Group for Prospective Students at, send an email to, or visit our website.  Also, for admitted students, we are excited to host you during our Visiting days, more info here!

~Edgar Nuñez
1st year MSI Student

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