Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Areas of Academic Interest

As an information school, UMSI offers students a variety of learning options, while still allowing students to learn deeply about areas of interest about which they're most excited. Some UMSI students study human computer interaction, archives, big data, digital humanities, user experience/user design libraries, preservation, data mining, social media, and much more.

UMSI helps students balance coursework by providing clusters of courses which students might take to go in depth about their areas of interest.  UMSI also provides students an option to tailor their degree to fit exactly what they're hoping to study and discover at UMSI.  There are additional opportunities such as A2DataDive (happening this weekend, A2 DataDive is a 48-hour event held in service of several nonprofits who seek to explore their datasets and discover creative answers to their research questions) and many other ways to improve your skills and network through project-based work.

You can also checkout our Pathways to Success and see what classes would most beneficial to your career goals. UMSI graduates have obtained jobs including Business Analyst, Information Architect, Librarian, Digital Archivist, User Experience Researcher and Designer. Most graduates take 3-4 months to land a job. You can find more information on career placement in our employment report.

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